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Cookie Policy

Here at qrcreator.pro, welcome! You automatically accept the conditions stated in our Cookie Policy ("Policy") by using our website. Following the cookie use rules shown below is essential to getting the most out of our website and using all of its features. You acknowledge that you have read these terms and agree to them by continuing to use our website.

We retain the right, at any time and without prior notice, to amend our Cookie Policy. If there are any noteworthy changes, we will let our users know by updating our website. To learn more about how we protect your privacy, we invite you to visit this page often. You signify your agreement of the amended terms by using our website following these changes. You may choose to stop using our site or change your browser settings to refuse cookies if you disagree with the terms of this Policy.

This document attempts to clarify how we use cookies by providing explanations, illustrations, and information on how these methods comply with our privacy statement. It includes:

  • What are cookies?
  • Which kinds of cookies are used when someone visits our website?
  • What function do cookies from third parties perform on our website?
  • Is it possible for you to choose which cookies to accept?
  • What is interest-based marketing, and what role do cookies play in it?

1. What are cookies?

By visiting our site, you actively participate in enhancing your browsing experience, and it is crucial for us to guarantee that you comprehend this procedure.

When you visit a website, your browser could save a little file known as a "cookie" on your device. This action is intended to protect your privacy and verify your identity. Cookies serve several purposes, including analyzing user data, storing preferences, optimizing targeted advertising campaigns, and improving certain website functionalities.

Cookies are classified into two types depending on their duration of existence:

Session cookies are ephemeral and are automatically deleted when you exit your web browser.

Persistent cookies are stored on your device for a certain duration, which may vary from minutes to years, until they are manually removed or they reach their expiration date.

The cookies produced by the website you are now viewing are known as "first-party cookies," while "third-party cookies" are established by sites other than the one you are presently accessing.

Our website employs both cookies and pixel tags, sometimes referred to as clear GIFs, web beacons, or pixel tags. These technologies work along with cookies to observe visitor activities with our website and trace their movement from different origins. Using pixel tags has several functions, such as enabling interest-based advertising and retargeting, as explained in our Privacy Statement.

2. Which kinds of cookies are used when someone visits our website?

While using our website or interacting with our services, many cookies may be put on your device by either us or third parties. To get a thorough comprehension of the many kinds of cookies used and their respective objectives, we suggest referring to our Privacy Policy.

The following are the main purposes served by cookies on our website:

Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for accessing and using particular functionalities of our website. Our services enable smooth transactions and protect your login credentials, providing secure and efficient navigation.

Analytics cookies: We use analytics cookies to optimize the functioning of our website and consistently assess its performance. These cookies, whether placed by us or other parties, play a crucial role in understanding how users interact with our website. They assist in quantifying the efficacy of our content and marketing tactics, which includes A/B testing. A/B testing involves comparing several iterations of advertisements, web pages, or features to determine their level of success. Analytics cookies may be classified as either first-party or third-party.

Preference Cookies: These cookies save your preferences and settings to enhance your future visits to our site, offering a more personalized and easy browsing experience.

Third-party or advertising cookies, also known as targeted or behavioral cookies, are deployed by advertising networks or other websites. They have two main functions: simplifying the display and assessment of adverts, and providing personalized ads tailored to your interests by analyzing your online behaviors and preferences.

By understanding and controlling these cookies, you may customize your online experience to match your tastes, guaranteeing the best use of our website's features.

3. What function do cookies from third parties perform on our website?

Third-party cookies are essential for the operation of our website. Third-party organizations, such as analytics companies, advertising networks, and service providers, use these cookies to collect data about your activity on our website and other websites you may visit, while keeping your identity anonymous. This monitoring allows them to see your online activities and interactions, enabling a more thorough study of your involvement with our website. The gathered data is anonymised and used to enhance comprehension of your interests and online behavior. This extensive understanding helps customize advertising and services to more closely match the varied interests and requirements of people.

4. Is it possible for you to choose which cookies to accept?

If you have any concerns about the use of cookies or if you want to control the sorts of cookies that affect your browsing experience, you can adjust your browser settings. These options allow you to remove current cookies and block the storage of new ones. To get comprehensive instructions on how to make these modifications, kindly refer to the help material provided by your web browser. It is crucial to acknowledge that if you block or delete cookies, it may impact your ability to effectively use our services, save your preferences, or access certain parts of our websites.

To get instructions on how to disable cookies from third-party services, we suggest consulting their individual privacy policies.

5. Cookie Management

Our Cookie Policy explains how cookies improve your experience on our website and services. Kindly note that if you disable cookies, some capabilities of our site may be restricted or certain features may operate erroneously.

Disabling cookies to enhance the relevance of advertisements

If you have concerns about cookies monitoring your surfing patterns in order to provide targeted advertising, there are many places you may investigate:

These platforms provide information on how marketers use your online activity and visits to other websites to personalize adverts according to your interests. They provide resources and data to assist you in efficiently personalizing your advertising choices.

This guide is a comprehensive resource that helps you manage your cookie settings. It gives you the ability to regulate your online privacy and advertising experiences.

Here are guidelines on how to handle cookies in many widely used web browsers:

Google Chrome:

  • Accessing Settings: To start, just click on the wrench symbol found in the browser's menu.
  • Accessing Advanced Settings: Afterward, go to "Settings" and choose "Show advanced settings."
  • Confidentiality and Protection: In the "Privacy" section, choose "Content settings."
  • Cookie Management:
    • To enhance your surfing experience, choose the option "Allow local data to be set" in the "Cookies" section. This will enable websites to store and retrieve cookie data.
    • To disable third-party cookies while allowing first-party cookies, choose the option "Block third-party cookies."
    • To completely deactivate all cookies, use the option "Block sites from setting any data."

Further guidance: For more comprehensive instructions, see Google's help page accessible at Google Chrome help.

Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0.

  • Navigating to the Tools Menu: To start, access the "Tools" option situated in the upper part of your browser, and then choose "Internet Options."
  • Privacy Settings: Go to the "Privacy" tab in the Internet Options box.
    • To enable cookies, put the slider to the "Medium" position or a lower value.
    • To fully disable cookies, adjust the slider to the maximum level, therefore preventing any cookies from being used.

For comprehensive instructions on how to manage cookie settings in Internet Explorer, specifically for Windows Vista, please see Microsoft's webpage on Blocking or Allowing Cookies.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Extra Options: To start, click the "More actions" option located on the toolbar.
  • Opening the Settings and Privacy menu: Click on "Settings" and then choose "View advanced settings."
  • Cookie Management:
    • To only prevent third-party cookies, choose the appropriate option.
    • To enable the acceptance of all cookies, keep the default configuration.
  • Clearing browser cache and resetting browser settings: To restore Microsoft Edge to its default settings, employ the browser's reset features.

Mozilla Firefox:

  • Open the "Tools" menu and choose "Options".
  • Navigate to the "Privacy" section.
  • To enable cookies, ensure that you choose the checkbox labeled "Accept cookies for sites".
  • To further personalize your cookie choices, adjust the offered options.
  • To get more guidance on managing cookies in Firefox, please see the Mozilla Support Page.

These instructions enable you to customize the cookie options of your browser, which will affect how websites interact with and store your information.


  • To get to the settings, open Opera, go to the "Settings" menu item, and choose it.
  • Select "Quick Preferences" from the menu.
  • Cookie Management:
    • Select "Enable Cookies" to turn on cookies.
    • Deselect "Enable Cookies" to turn off cookies.
  • Extra Choices: See the official Opera instructional page accessible from Opera Software under Opera Security and Privacy for further instructions on managing cookies in Opera as well as other security and privacy settings.

Safari on OSX:

  • To access the Safari Preferences, just choose "Preferences" from the drop-down list after selecting "Safari" from the main menu.
  • Security Settings: Navigate to the "Security" tab in Preferences.
  • Preferences for Cookies:
    • Click on "Only from this site" in the "Accept cookies" section to allow only cookies from this site.
    • Select "Never" under the "Accept cookies" category if you want to completely disable cookies.
  • Additional Personalization: Visit Apple's official documentation at Apple Safari Cookie Settings for further privacy options and more complex cookie settings.

Users of other browsers:

Use the built-in "help" option in your browser if you need further information or have any concerns about the settings. Alternatively, you may contact the browser's support staff directly for more individualized assistance.

6. How to Handle Cookies

Most web browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically, which improves your online experience. Nevertheless, you have greater control over your privacy by modifying these options. You may choose to completely refuse cookies or to allow them only after giving your permission. It's important to note that blocking cookies might affect how you browse since certain website functions or tailored information may depend on them.

7. What is interest-based marketing, and what role do cookies play in it?

Advertisers use interest-based advertising as a strategy to customize their messaging and content to fit your unique interests. Cookies and other tracking technologies are used in this technique to collect information about your preferences. It's crucial to remember that outside service providers who specialize in customized advertising use a variety of channels and run their own businesses apart from our website. These suppliers are not governed by the rules and practices of our website.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or issues about how we utilize cookies. We are here to assist with any questions you may have.